Well, it's official. I've lived in the DC Metro for 4 years. It seems like only yesterday I watched my family drive away, leaving me and the puppin alone in what would soon be known as Hell Apartment. It doesn't seem like long ago that I started my first construction job in tears, sitting on the side of the South Capitol street bridge, lost, and my van overheating, while screaming at my dad on the phone (like there was actually anything he could do.)
As a small town girl, the first few months were amazing. I filled my days with sightseeing and adjusting to life in the big city. The fact I could have anything delivered and drive most places in less than 5 minutes was pure heaven, especially after commuting between Jackson and East Lansing for the last 5 years prior. However, found myself longing for the days where I did have to drive a few minutes to get to the nearest house or restaurant. The day I can return to that world is far away.
I do have to say, a lot of pros come with city living.
1. Starbucks. Everywhere. On every corner, there is a starbucks. Granted after visiting each several times, you do find the preferred ones and those become your home. I do enjoy being able to walk into the E ST one by my office and my drink is already prepared for me. (I'm a creature of habit, don't judge me), then spend Saturday mornings in Old Town at my favorite one with good friends, right on the waterfront in a building built long before DC existed, (it was a huge swamp). Granted as you walk in DC or anywhere in the DC Metro, you will usually see 75% of the population holding a Starbucks cup...complete with new crappy logo.
2.Food Convienience. While I have not gone as far as Afghan Kabob just yet, the amount of food options is quite amazing. The king of all food is Chinese/Japanese and Mexican. The latter is great, as I have an incredibly unhealthy addiction to it. The former, while the Chinese part of it is delicious, the Japanese part was a new experience, ie Sushi. Granted you will never see my happy ass eating any sushi with fish in it, but the Avocado rolls are delicious and I am addicted. Special Shout out to Kels for starting the Ishiban addiction.
Also, pretty much everyone delivers. Yes, even the grocery stores. (I have NOT fallen to that level of lazy yet) If they don't personally deliver, services exist that you can pay to deliver food to you. Again, besides Chinese or Pizza, I have not yet sunk that far into laziness.
3.Public Transportation- I do admit that I am over the public transportation. Metro has proven itself to be extremely reliable (HA!) so I'm back to driving. However, if you find yourself wanting to go the Smithsonian with an excessive amount of people (family), the metro is the way to go. If you work at a place that is right off a stop, it is beneficial as well. If you are going alone, there are places you find that become your secret parking places that are free. Suck it, Colonial parking!
4. Good Movie Theaters/Entertainment-I do not indulge in the movie theater much, unless Groupon sends out good coupons, because you pay for nice theaters-$15 bucks a movie...plus concessions at their lowest start at 7 bucks. You pay it because popcorn with snow caps thrown in, is some damn good eatin'. There are theaters for actual performances everywhere. My personal favorites are "The Little theater of Alexandria" and "The Kennedy Center".
5.People watching-City living provides some gems. If you happen to live in a tourist city (like us) the possibilities of what you encounter are endless. My personal favs are- a. fanny packs with black socks worn with sandals and b. Foreigners. However, I do take some issue with the French. While at Mt Vernon, this past weekend, a few were talking and my Aunt in Law speaks French. Turns out they were dissing my man George's house. Oh hell no! You do not diss Washington. You can just get your "pepe" asses out of this country STAT! This also applies to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Don't be hatin'.
Now for all of it's greatness, there are cons to the city as well.
1. PEOPLE. Everywhere. People. You can't walk without seeing one. I am so sick of people. You can't escape. In our high rise alone ,we live among 900 people. There are always lines to check out in stores and grocery shopping has turned into pure hell unless you go at 3:00 am and even still lots of people are shopping.
2.Bad Driving. Here me now. I will never again say a derogatory comment about Michigan drivers. Frankly, I wish people here drove like the Bats out of Hell that reside in Michigan. The people that drive here are seriously a step below ass clown. Most are foreigners who pretty much will never be able to drive. Cab drivers are idiots and if you see a Dioplomat plate....just move out of the way and let them go as they do what they want, which, I guess, is nice when you have no fear of being arrested.
3.Traffic. Here, I always though that Detroit had horrible traffic. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Detroit traffic. 3 lanes of back up does not provide the joy of 6 or 7 lanes of cars sitting with no where to go. Granted I've yet to figure out where the roots of these back ups start but it's pretty much everyday. Also, if you see any flashing lights ANYWHERE...just pull over and nap because it's going to be a long commute.
I guess, in looking above, for our situation, the pros outweigh the cons. Some people were made for the country and some where made for the city. Some move to the city just to get by when the job market sucks and pay off the student loans so they can go back home someday. That, my friends, is where this small town girl's heart lies.
I commend you Amanda.....I could have never embarked on what you have...You made it and I would have shriveled up into a pile of bored nothingness! LOL I was solely designed for my country farmhouse nestled on a small dirt road:)
ReplyDeleteI do wanna visit DC someday tho!
Thanks :) If you do decide to make the journey to DC, you will get to walk CONSTANTLY! ;)