I've been neglecting the blog. I won't lie. It's been so busy here in VA that I have to remove one activity out of the equation. Since I usually don't have much worth blogging about. (what? you want to hear ALL about my working 6 AM to 6 PM and then rushing to tours for 7:00-9:30 PM???? You are glutton for boredom). It's the Pseudo-Government year end which pretty much means, we are the Govt's bitch until June 30. Lots of hours, not lots of fun. So I'll just give a small rundown.
-I do have some excitement lined up. Finally going to go see Wicked at Kennedy Center. I'm kind of glad for this one. I was late to the party on tickets and ended up getting the last remaining ticket under $100 and not $250. I wish I was exaggerating on this fact, but I'm really not. There was nothing left. I also have tockets to the LTA theater production of Hairspray. I'm fairly excited about this as well since Larry is performing the role of Wilbur Turnblad. I love my Larry :~)
-I have taken up rubber stamping and card making. We went down to Old Town and visited my now favorite store (after IKEA, of course...it will be hard to kill my absolute devotion to them), Paper Source. They were doing a demo on card making and embossing. Needless to say, I am interested in pretty much anything shiny so I decided to invest in some materials. Aaron, is also pretty into the process and has already made me a sweet card. Mellie of course spent the rest of her visit coming with different fun projects to create with the stamps......so Mellie..I blame you for this!!
-Exercise wise- still fat. Haven't seen much of a gym. Aaron and I had a talk amongst ourselves earlier this week and are going to make a joint effort to get off our asses and do stuff instead of staying home doing nothing or sitting on the internet.
-Have an exciting weekend lined up. Pedicure and Shellac-ing with Heidi and then some NPH on the big screen.